FAQs For Your Visit
What Forms Do I Need to Fill out Before My Procedure?
Forms will be mailed or emailed to you to fill out and bring in to your procedure, however the forms are also available here on the website under Patient Forms.
How Do I Prep for My Procedure?
The prep for every procedure varies. Please visit the prep instructions page to review the prep for your specific procedure. If you are unsure about which directions to follow, contact the center at (479) 582-7280, option 1.
Can I Take a Taxi, Uber, or Other Car Service to and From My Procedure?
You may only use a car service to depart from your procedure if you are also accompanied by a responsible adult (over the age of 18), who will escort you to and from the procedure.
What Should I Wear for My Procedure?
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. Leave all jewelry and valuable possessions at home.
How Long Will My Procedure Take?
You should plan to be at the center for 1½ to 2½ hours for admittance, procedure, and recovery. A responsible adult escort (over the age of 18) must be confirmed available when you are admitted and to pick you up from recovery.
What Do I Do If I Need to Reschedule or Cancel My Procedure at North Hills Endoscopy Center?
Please contact the center immediately at (479) 582-7280, Option 1 and we will be happy to assist you.